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appd create-event

Create events for an application


Create event for an application


appd create-event
    [--site <site>]
    [--cluster <cluster>]
    [--summary <summary>]
    [--type <type>]
    [--severity <severity>]
    [--propertynames <propertynames>]
    [--propertyvalues <propertyvalues>]


site - (string)

     Site where this command will be executed
     Example: --site "site-1"
     Default:      Attributes: optional

cluster - (string)

     Name of elastic search cluster
     Example: --cluster "appdynamics-default"
     Default: appdynamics-default      Attributes: optional

application - (string)

     application name or ID
     Example: "app-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: required

summary - (string)

     Provides the summary for the event.
     Example: --summary "sample summary"
     Default: This is summary of a sample event when the input is not provided      Attributes: optional

type - (string)

     Enter the event type
     Example: --type "APPLICATION_ERROR"
     Default: CUSTOM      Attributes: optional

severity - (string)

     Provides the severity level. Allowec values - INFO, WARN, ERROR
     Example: --severity "INFO"
     Default: INFO      Attributes: optional

         allowed values: INFO, WARN, ERROR

propertynames - (string)

     Input property names
     Example: --propertynames "key1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional, multiple allowed

propertyvalues - (string)

     Input property values
     Example: --propertyvalues "value1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional, multiple allowed


appd create-event "app-1" --propertynames "key1" --propertyvalues "value1"

Access Control

To use this command, you need access to the following:

Field Value
Action "create"
Service Type "appd"
Service Instance cluster
Object Type "application"
Object ID application

Please see Access Control for details.