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DataDog Commands

Description: DataDog commands


add-tags-host: This endpoint allows you to add new tags to a host, optionally specifying where these tags come from

aggregate-logs: aggregate events into buckets and compute metrics and timeseries

cancel-downtime: Cancel a downtime/ Delete all downtimes that match the scope

create-incident: Create an incident

create-incident-attachment: Create attachment for a given incident (BETA)

create-incident-team: Create incident team for the requesting user's organization

create-log-archive-azure: Create an archive in your organization

create-log-archive-gcs: Create an archive in your organization

create-log-archive-s3: Create an archive in your organization

create-log-index: Creates a new index

create-monitor: Create a monitor using the specified options

create-role: Create a new role for your organization

create-rum-application: Create a new RUM application in your organization

create-user: Create a user for your organization

delete-incident: Delete existing incident

delete-incident-attachment: Get all attachments for a given incident (BETA)

delete-incident-team: Delete existing incident team

delete-log-archive: Delete a given archive from your organization

delete-monitor: Delete the specified monitor

delete-rum-application: Delete an existing RUM application in your organization

delete-tags-host: This endpoint allows you to remove all user-assigned tags for a single host

disable-user: Disable a user

get-active-metrics: Get the list of actively reporting metrics from a given time until now

get-custom-metrics: Get all custom metrics by hourly average.can change resolution

get-custom-metrics-hourly-usage: Get hourly usage for custom metrics

get-dashboard: Delete the specified monitor

get-downtime: Get all active downtimes for the specified monitor or by downtime Id

get-hosts: Allows searching for hosts by name, alias, or tag. Hosts live within the past 3 hours are included by default

get-hosts-count: Returns the total number of active and up hosts in your Datadog account

get-hourly-usage: Get hourly usage by product family

get-hourly-usage-attribution: Get hourly usage attribution

get-incident-teams: Get all/specific incident teams for the requesting user's organization

get-logs-hourly-usage: Get hourly usage for logs

get-metric: Get metadata about a specific metric

get-monitor-details: Get data of monitors

get-monthly-usage-attribution: Get monthly usage attribution

get-rum-application: Get the RUM application with given ID in your organization

grant-role-archive: Adds a read role to an archive

list-active-tags-aggregations: List tags and aggregations that are actively queried on dashboards and monitors for a given metric name

list-downtimes: Get all scheduled downtimes

list-events: The event stream can be queried and filtered

list-incident-attachments: Get all attachments for a given incident (BETA)

list-incidents: Get incident details

list-log-archives: Get the list of configured logs archives with their definition

list-log-indexes: The Index object describes the configuration of a log index

list-logs: List logs that match query

list-metric-volumes: View distinct metrics volumes for the given metric name

list-metrics: Returns all metrics that can be configured in the Metrics Summary page

list-monitors: Get list of monitors using the specified options

list-permissions: Returns a list of all permissions or for a role

list-processes: Get all processes for your organization

list-roles: Returns all roles or specific role detail

list-rum-applications: List all the RUM applications in your organization

list-tags: Get tags for entire infrastructure or a specific host

list-tags-config-metric: Returns the tag configuration for the given metric name

list-users: Get the list of all users in the organization

mute-host: This endpoint allows to mute a host

mute-monitor: Mute the specified monitor

post-event: post events to the stream

query-timeseries-points: Query timeseries points

revoke-role-archive: Removes a role from an archive

schedule-downtime: Schedule a downtime

search-logs: Get logs matching log search query

search-metrics: Search for metrics from the last 24 hours in Datadog

service-check: Submit a list of Service Checks

tag-configuration-cardinality-estimator: Returns the estimated cardinality for a metric

unmute-host: This endpoint allows to unmute a host

unmute-monitor: Delete the specified monitor

update-downtime: Update a downtime

update-host-tags: This endpoint allows you to update/replace all tags in an integration source with those supplied in the request

update-incident: Update an incident

update-incident-attachment: Get all attachments for a given incident (BETA)

update-incident-team: Update incident team for the requesting user's organization

update-log-archive-azure: Update an existing archive

update-log-archive-gcs: Update an existing archive

update-log-archive-s3: Update an existing archive

update-log-index: Updates an existing index

update-metric: Edit metadata of a specific metric

update-rum-application: Update the RUM application with given ID in your organization

update-user: Edit a user