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pagerduty create-incidents

Create incident


Create a PagerDuty incident


pagerduty create-incidents
    --site <site>
    --from <from>
    --title <title>
    --service <service>
    [--priority <priority>]
    [--urgency <urgency>]
    [--assignee <assignee>]
    [--escalation_policy <escalation_policy>]
    [--conference_number <conference_number>]
    [--conference_url <conference_url>]


site - (string)

     Site where this command will be executed
     Example: --site "site-1"
     Default:      Attributes: required

from - (string)

     Email address of a valid user associated with the account making the request.
     Example: --from "from-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: required

title - (string)

     A succinct description of the nature, symptoms, cause, or effect of the incident.
     Example: --title "title-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: required

service - (string)

     service id to associate with this incident
     Example: --service "service-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: required

priority - (string)

     priority id to associate with this incident
     Example: --priority "priority-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional

urgency - (string)

     urgency of the incidents to be returned. Allowed values [high, low]
     Example: --urgency "urgency-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional

         allowed values: high, low

assignee - (string)

     user id of the users who are to be assigned the incident
     Example: --assignee "assignee-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional, multiple allowed

escalation_policy - (string)

     escalation policy ID for this incident
     Example: --escalation_policy "escalation_policy-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional

conference_number - (string)

     conference phone number to be used for this incident
     Example: --conference_number "conference_number-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional

conference_url - (string)

     conference url to be used for this incident
     Example: --conference_url "conference_url-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional


pagerduty create-incidents --from "from-1" --title "title-1" --service "service-1" --priority "priority-1" --urgency "urgency-1" --assignee "assignee-1" --escalation_policy "escalation_policy-1" --conference_number "conference_number-1" --conference_url "conference_url-1"

Access Control

To use this command, you need access to the following:

Field Value
Action "create"
Service Type "pagerduty"
Service Instance
Object Type "incident"
Object ID

Please see Access Control for details.