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Manage PagerDuty incidents, services, on-call schedules, teams, logs etc from Maira workflows. You can also configure PagerDuty webhook to send alerts to Maira.


PagerDuty integration gives you ability to manage your PagerDuty incidents, services, on-call schedules, teams, logs etc from Maira workflows. You can also configure PagerDuty webhook to send alerts to Maira.


For integrating with pagerduty, you need to provide your pagerduty authorization token. Make sure that the cluster name is set as pagerduty-default and service_name is set as pagerduty.

Helm Config

Below is sample configuration for enabling pagerduty integration through Helm Chart Values file

  disabled: false
  url: ""
  token: "Token token=<token>"
  • disabled tag can be set to true to temporarily disable the service without removing the config

Direct Config

Below is sample configuration for enabling pagerduty integration

  - name: maira_io.module.http
  - name: maira_io.service.http
        - name: pagerduty-default
            - ""
            "content-type": "application/json"
            "Accept": "application/vnd.pagerduty+json;version=2"
            "Authorization": "Token token=<token>"
          service_name: pagerduty

Instructions to add a webhook

Maira client can Add a webhook to track incident actions like trigger, acknowledge, etc., in Maira. After addding webhook, for every incident action a new Maira event is created and can be monitored using event commands. To Add webhook follow the steps below: 1. Navigate to Integration > Generic webhooks (V3) 2. click on the ADD New webhook button. 3. In the dialog box, enter these values: Screenshot - Enter the webhook url :<site-name> - Enter scope type,scope and description - subscribe from the list of events that are provided - click on add custom headers - fill X-Maira-Tenant in Name and tenant in the Value Screenshot - Click on Add webhook Screenshot - Copy the webhook secret and update the Tenant object