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jira get-issue

Returns the details for an issue


Returns the details for an issue


jira get-issue
    --site <site>
    --issue <issue>
    [--fields_id <fields_id>]
    [--fields_keys <fields_keys>]
    [--expand <expand>]


site - (string)

     Example: --site "site-1"
     Default: localhost:8081      Attributes: required

issue - (string)

     The ID of the issue.
     Example: --issue "issue-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: required

fields_id - (string)

     Fields referenced by ID to return for the issue.
     Example: --fields_id "fields_id-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional, multiple allowed

fields_keys - (string)

     Fields referenced by keys to return for the issue.
     Example: --fields_keys "fields_keys-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional, multiple allowed

expand - (string)

     include additional information about the issues in the response.
     Example: --expand "expand-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional, multiple allowed

         allowed values: renderedFields, names, schema, transitions, editmeta, changelog, versionedRepresentations


jira get-issue --issue "issue-1" --fields_id "fields_id-1" --fields_keys "fields_keys-1" --expand "expand-1"

Access Control

To use this command, you need access to the following:

Field Value
Action "read"
Service Type "jira"
Service Instance
Object Type "issue"
Object ID issue

Please see Access Control for details.