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prometheus get-target-metadata

Get metadata about metrics scraped from targets


Returns metadata about metrics currently scraped from targets


prometheus get-target-metadata
    [--site <site>]
    [--cluster <cluster>]
    [--label <label>]
    [--label_value <label_value>]
    [--metric <metric>]
    [--limit <limit>]


site - (string)

     Site where this command will be executed
     Example: --site "site-1"
     Default:      Attributes: optional

cluster - (string)

     Name of prometheus cluster
     Example: --cluster "prometheus-default"
     Default: prometheus-default      Attributes: optional

label - (string)

     Name of Label selector used to match targets
     Example: --label "job, instance"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional

label_value - (string)

     Value of Label selector used to match targets
     Example: --label_value "prometheus,"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional

metric - (string)

     A metric name to retrieve metadata for
     Example: --metric "go_goroutines"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional

limit - (int)

     Maximum number of targets to match
     Example: --limit 2
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional



! prometheus get-target-metadata --label "job" --label_value "prometheus"
  "status": "success",
  "data": [
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_group_rules",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The number of rules.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_compactions_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of compactions that were executed for the partition.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_reloads_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Number of times the database reloaded block data from disk.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_heap_sys_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of heap bytes obtained from system.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_mallocs_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of mallocs.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_mspan_inuse_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes in use by mspan structures.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "process_open_fds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of open file descriptors.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_failed_configs",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Current number of service discovery configurations that failed to load.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_http_requests_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Counter of HTTP requests.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_notifications_latency_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "Latency quantiles for sending alert notifications.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_treecache_watcher_goroutines",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The current number of watcher goroutines.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_chunks",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Total number of chunks in the head block.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_series_removed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of series removed in the head",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_truncations_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of head truncations attempted.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of heap bytes waiting to be used.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "net_conntrack_dialer_conn_established_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of connections successfully established by the given dialer a given name.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_config_last_reload_success_timestamp_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Timestamp of the last successful configuration reload.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_engine_query_log_failures_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The number of query log failures.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_truncate_duration_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "Duration of WAL truncation.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrape_pool_targets",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Current number of targets in this scrape pool.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_retention_limit_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Max number of bytes to be retained in the tsdb blocks, configured 0 means disabled",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_http_response_size_bytes",
      "type": "histogram",
      "help": "Histogram of response size for HTTP requests.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_gc_duration_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_config_last_reload_successful",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Whether the last configuration reload attempt was successful.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_remote_storage_samples_in_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Samples in to remote storage, compare to samples out for queue managers.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_group_last_evaluation_timestamp_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The timestamp of the last rule group evaluation in seconds.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrapes_sample_out_of_order_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of samples rejected due to not being out of the expected order.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_symbol_table_size_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Size of symbol table in memory for loaded blocks",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_web_federation_warnings_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of warnings that occurred while sending federation responses.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_goroutines",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of goroutines that currently exist.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_heap_objects",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of allocated objects.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_lookups_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of pointer lookups.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "process_max_fds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Maximum number of open file descriptors.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_engine_queries_concurrent_max",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The max number of concurrent queries.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_out_of_order_exemplars_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of out of order exemplars ingestion failed attempts.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_gc_sys_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes used for garbage collection system metadata.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "process_start_time_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_blocks_loaded",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of currently loaded data blocks",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_checkpoint_deletions_failed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of checkpoint deletions that failed.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_next_gc_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_stack_inuse_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes in use by the stack allocator.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_segment_current",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "WAL segment index that TSDB is currently writing to.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_tombstone_cleanup_seconds",
      "type": "histogram",
      "help": "The time taken to recompact blocks to remove tombstones.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_engine_query_duration_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "Query timings",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_engine_query_log_enabled",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "State of the query log.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_checkpoint_creations_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of checkpoint creations attempted.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_series",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Total number of series in the head block.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_received_updates_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of update events received from the SD providers.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "net_conntrack_listener_conn_closed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of connections closed that were made to the listener of a given name.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_evaluation_duration_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "The duration for a rule to execute.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_evaluations_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The total number of rule evaluations.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_group_iterations_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The total number of scheduled rule group evaluations, whether executed or missed.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_heap_inuse_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of heap bytes that are in use.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_stack_sys_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes obtained from system for stack allocator.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "net_conntrack_dialer_conn_failed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of connections failed to dial by the dialer a given name.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_notifications_queue_length",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The number of alert notifications in the queue.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_discovered_targets",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Current number of discovered targets.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_updates_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of update events sent to the SD consumers.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrape_pools_failed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of scrape pool creations that failed.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_vertical_compactions_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of compactions done on overlapping blocks.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_heap_alloc_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of heap bytes allocated and still in use.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "process_resident_memory_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Resident memory size in bytes.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "process_virtual_memory_max_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Maximum amount of virtual memory available in bytes.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_notifications_alertmanagers_discovered",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The number of alertmanagers discovered and active.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_fsync_duration_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "Duration of WAL fsync.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_notifications_dropped_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of alerts dropped due to errors when sending to Alertmanager.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_metadata_cache_entries",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Total number of metric metadata entries in the cache",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrapes_cache_flush_forced_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "How many times a scrape cache was flushed due to getting big while scrapes are failing.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_min_time",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Minimum time bound of the head block. The unit is decided by the library consumer.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "process_cpu_seconds_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_api_remote_read_queries",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The current number of remote read queries being executed or waiting.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_compaction_chunk_range_seconds",
      "type": "histogram",
      "help": "Final time range of chunks on their first compaction",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of scrapes by HTTP status code.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_mcache_inuse_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes in use by mcache structures.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_engine_queries",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The current number of queries being executed or waiting.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_compaction_chunk_size_bytes",
      "type": "histogram",
      "help": "Final size of chunks on their first compaction",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_chunks_removed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of chunks removed in the head",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_compaction_populating_block",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Set to 1 when a block is currently being written to the disk.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_lowest_timestamp_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Lowest timestamp value stored in the database.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_interval_length_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "Actual intervals between scrapes.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_frees_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of frees.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_file_read_errors_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The number of File-SD read errors.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_metadata_cache_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The number of bytes that are currently used for storing metric metadata in the cache",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrape_pool_exceeded_target_limit_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of times scrape pools hit the target limit, during sync or config reload.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of WAL writes that failed.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrape_pool_reloads_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of scrape pool reloads.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_checkpoint_deletions_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of checkpoint deletions attempted.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_compactions_skipped_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of skipped compactions due to disabled auto compaction.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_isolation_high_watermark",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The highest TSDB append ID that has been given out.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_compaction_chunk_samples",
      "type": "histogram",
      "help": "Final number of samples on their first compaction",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_chunks_created_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of chunks created in the head",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_series_not_found_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of requests for series that were not found.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "net_conntrack_dialer_conn_closed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of connections closed which originated from the dialer of a given name.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "net_conntrack_listener_conn_accepted_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of connections opened to the listener of a given name.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "process_virtual_memory_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Virtual memory size in bytes.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_file_scan_duration_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "The duration of the File-SD scan in seconds.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_completed_pages_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of completed pages.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_buck_hash_sys_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes used by the profiling bucket hash table.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_gc_cpu_fraction",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The fraction of this program's available CPU time used by the GC since the program started.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_build_info",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version, revision, branch, and goversion from which prometheus was built.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_evaluation_failures_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The total number of rule evaluation failures.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_web_federation_errors_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of errors that occurred while sending federation responses.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_alloc_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes allocated and still in use.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_group_last_duration_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The duration of the last rule group evaluation.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_samples_appended_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of appended samples.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_storage_blocks_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The number of bytes that are currently used for local storage by all blocks.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_data_replay_duration_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Time taken to replay the data on disk.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_out_of_bound_samples_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of out of bound samples ingestion failed attempts.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_group_duration_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "The duration of rule group evaluations.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_group_iterations_missed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The total number of rule group evaluations missed due to slow rule group evaluation.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_template_text_expansions_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The total number of template text expansions.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_treecache_zookeeper_failures_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The total number of ZooKeeper failures.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_other_sys_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes used for other system allocations.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "net_conntrack_dialer_conn_attempted_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of connections attempted by the given dialer a given name.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_remote_storage_highest_timestamp_in_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Highest timestamp that has come into the remote storage via the Appender interface, in seconds since epoch.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_lowest_timestamp",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Lowest timestamp value stored in the database. The unit is decided by the library consumer.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "promhttp_metric_handler_requests_in_flight",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Current number of scrapes being served.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of bytes allocated, even if freed.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_threads",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of OS threads created.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_consul_rpc_duration_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "The duration of a Consul RPC call in seconds.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_max_time_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Maximum timestamp of the head block.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_remote_storage_string_interner_zero_reference_releases_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The number of times release has been called for strings that are not interned.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_group_interval_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The interval of a rule group.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_mmap_chunk_corruptions_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of memory-mapped chunk corruptions.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrape_pool_sync_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of syncs that were executed on a scrape pool.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrapes_sample_out_of_bounds_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of samples rejected due to timestamp falling outside of the time bounds.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_truncations_failed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of head truncations that failed.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_page_flushes_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of page flushes.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_heap_released_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of heap bytes released to OS.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_mspan_sys_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes used for mspan structures obtained from system.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_rule_group_last_evaluation_samples",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The number of samples returned during the last rule group evaluation.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_dns_lookups_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The number of DNS-SD lookups.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrapes_exceeded_sample_limit_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of scrapes that hit the sample limit and were rejected.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_truncations_failed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of WAL truncations that failed.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_http_request_duration_seconds",
      "type": "histogram",
      "help": "Histogram of latencies for HTTP requests.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_consul_rpc_failures_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The number of Consul RPC call failures.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_kubernetes_events_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The number of Kubernetes events handled.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrape_pools_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of scrape pool creation attempts.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_time_retentions_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The number of times that blocks were deleted because the maximum time limit was exceeded.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_active_appenders",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of currently active appender transactions",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_info",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Information about the Go environment.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_notifications_sent_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of alerts sent.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrape_pool_reloads_failed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of failed scrape pool reloads.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrapes_sample_duplicate_timestamp_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of samples rejected due to duplicate timestamps but different values.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_scrapes_exemplar_out_of_order_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of exemplar rejected due to not being out of the expected order.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_compaction_duration_seconds",
      "type": "histogram",
      "help": "Duration of compaction runs",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_series_created_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of series created in the head",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_isolation_low_watermark",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The lowest TSDB append ID that is still referenced.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_mcache_sys_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes used for mcache structures obtained from system.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_sys_bytes",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of bytes obtained from system.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_notifications_errors_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of errors sending alert notifications.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_notifications_queue_capacity",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "The capacity of the alert notifications queue.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_out_of_order_samples_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of out of order samples ingestion failed attempts.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_truncations_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of WAL truncations attempted.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_compactions_triggered_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of triggered compactions for the partition.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_max_time",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Maximum timestamp of the head block. The unit is decided by the library consumer.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_reloads_failures_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Number of times the database failed to reloadBlocks block data from disk.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "go_memstats_last_gc_time_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Number of seconds since 1970 of last garbage collection.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_sd_dns_lookup_failures_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The number of DNS-SD lookup failures.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_target_sync_length_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "Actual interval to sync the scrape pool.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_checkpoint_creations_failed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of checkpoint creations that failed.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_corruptions_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of WAL corruptions.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_template_text_expansion_failures_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The total number of template text expansion failures.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_compactions_failed_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "Total number of compactions that failed for the partition.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_gc_duration_seconds",
      "type": "summary",
      "help": "Runtime of garbage collection in the head block.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_size_retentions_total",
      "type": "counter",
      "help": "The number of times that blocks were deleted because the maximum number of bytes was exceeded.",
      "unit": ""
      "target": {
        "instance": "localhost:9090",
        "job": "prometheus"
      "metric": "prometheus_tsdb_head_min_time_seconds",
      "type": "gauge",
      "help": "Minimum time bound of the head block.",
      "unit": ""

Access Control

To use this command, you need access to the following:

Field Value
Action "read"
Service Type "prometheus"
Service Instance cluster
Object Type
Object ID

Please see Access Control for details.