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jira list-issue-types

List all issue types for user / project


List all issue types for user / project


jira list-issue-types
    --site <site>
    [--project <project>]
    [--level <level>]


site - (string)

     Example: --site "site-1"
     Default: localhost:8081      Attributes: required

project - (string)

     get issue Types from this project id
     Example: --project "project-1"
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional

level - (int)

     The level of the issue type to filter by.
     Example: --level 1
     Default: _None_      Attributes: optional

         allowed values: -1, 0, 1



!jira list-issue-types
ID      NAME        DESCRIPTION                                                                 SCOPE 
10006   Sub-task    A small piece of work that's part of a larger task.                         -       
10004   Improvement An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task.               -       
10005   Task        A small, distinct piece of work.                                            -       
10007   New Feature A new feature of the product, which has yet to be developed.                -       
10008   Bug         A problem or error.                                                         -       
10009   Story       Created by Jira Agile - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a user story. -       
10000   Epic        A collection of related bugs, stories, and tasks.                           -       
!jira list-issue-types --project "10002"
ID      NAME        DESCRIPTION                                                     SCOPE 
10004   Improvement An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task.   -       
10005   Task        A small, distinct piece of work.                                -       
10006   Sub-task    A small piece of work that's part of a larger task.             -       
10007   New Feature A new feature of the product, which has yet to be developed.    -       
10008   Bug         A problem or error.                                             -       
10000   Epic        A collection of related bugs, stories, and tasks.               -       

Access Control

To use this command, you need access to the following:

Field Value
Action "read"
Service Type "jira"
Service Instance
Object Type "issueType"
Object ID

Please see Access Control for details.